Water is , quite literally, the stuff of life. We survive because of water. Where do not we need it, like all living creatures need it to survive , Keeping us fit ; Human body to keeps it healthy , at hygiene ; to keeps us clean , as a green energy; Hydraulic power , Sense of majesty ; watching crashing waves of the sea reminds us the power of nature; a source of biodiversity; over 2,20,000 species of marine life in the oceans, Agriculture ; The biggest source of economy , A Habitat; many plants live in water, Travel; Ships continue to transport good & people in present day and it says, how you find how you see the things ; WATER IS WHAT UNITES US ; We are all largely made of water , and we all need water every day to stay alive. These make water perhaps the one thing in the whole world that unites all species.
But Surprisingly only less than 1% of water is portable. Environmental pollution is major cause of “Water Crisis” As a result underground layer recedes fast. Taps & tubewell run dry in hot summer days people of arid area suffer the “Starvation” of water. Consequently, they fall victims to deadly disease.
As contrast to this 20-30 million Gallons water is going waste on daily basis. The said wastage of water, which is considered to be happened because of not utilizing water & waste water treatment processes in every purposes where it needed. Day by day the usage of water getting increased and resources are being the same. Water being the vital part we should ensure Collecting – Treating – Recycling of water to maintain the required – resource ratio.
The principal cause behind this is polluting the water & not getting it treated and recycled correctly. The Environment across the globe makes an attempt to control pollution. Since we all know the causes of these hazards, we also should behave responsibly towards the environment.
So We Clean Aquato Engineering Environmental Consultant inherently accept the scenario, cherish the fact & wish to support the cause at our best. So here is our small initiative to care for the environment in reducing pollutants that involves everything from domestic & house hold effluent to toxic industrial and agriculture runoff.
“ Water is the most precious gift of Nature. It has no smell no taste & no color. It is found everywhere & the other name of it is life ”.
About Us
Clean Aquato Engineering Environmental Consultant is a 100% Owned Company, was Originally formed in 2013 but started operating actively from 2015. The Company is Proudly Indian and Motivated by its intention to Provide high quality service and excellence.
Company Vision:
Clean Aquato Engineering Environmental Consultant is a Specified consulting and Engineering firm that works with domestic, Commercial and Industrial Clients to address new ventures and complex problems regarding water treatment.We design and construct complete water treatment installation for the preparation of drinking and processed water, and for the treatment of communal and industrial waste water. We also carry out activities in the field of environmental technologies, such as groundwater treatment and remediation,Diffused air flotation(DAF), Lamella Separation, Membrane Bioreactors (MBR), Ultra Filtration (UF), Nano filtration(NF) And Reverse Osmosis (RO).We Offer Quality and Services to our customer along with wide range of industrial, Domestic and commercial water treatment and waste water treatment application of chemical engineering, environmental studies. The Company Began in 2012 as a Water Treatment Consulting Services and then eventually with the time, exposure and experience got into Manufacturing, Installation, Operational Maintenance and Service of Streams like STP, ETP, UV, WTP,RO, Ozonation ETC and made it a Practice.We are committed to amaze our clients by accepting challenges and providing customized solutions. That drives the force within to take ourselves up every way, a force that enhance our ability to deliver our purpose of being relentless ally for the success of each and every project we work on. Our list of completed project includes Venkys food Division (Baur),Venkys Vaccination Division (Hinjewadi),Ultra care Group(Akurdi),Shrumthi Organic Ltd(Solapur),AM OzonicsPvt.Ltd(Mumbai),Venkys Nutrition Division(Wai) etc. Our success is based in our close attention on engineering approach and attitude towards it which uses the latest design, Engineering and analysis tool to provide the most reliable, efficient-accurate analysis and understanding with our clients just like working together to ensure the highest quality work, on time and budget based in more than 4 years of experience.
Company Mission:
Our Commissioning and startup projects enable us to be more effective in an operation designs approach for our customers. With customer satisfaction as our goal, we develop partnerships and provide services to meet client’s financial and operational constraint. We believe that this approach provides the most cost effective project, in the most demanding industries and customer application. Our only practice is to provide sustainable and appropriate technical solutions with a positive social environment and fair working style.
Company Culture:
We have fostered a culture of service and innovation with many diverse and talented professionals like experienced chemical, Mechanical and civil engineers working together to provide multidisciplinary engineering services like Manufacturing, Operation, Monitoring, Filtration and Maintenance etc.
Research and Development:
We have Technical Staff to develop orientation for Water and waste water industry by advance developing system. We develop equipment design related more efficient procedures and practice for implementation through project knowledge.